CA: PUC plows ahead with net metering 2.0 tariff

An administrative law judge has issued separate rulings that (1) adopt the final version of the net metering “Public Tool,” and (2) invite proposals for a net metering successor tariff and establish subsequent deadlines for future proceeding milestones.

The latter ruling sets a series of requirements for a net metering 2.0 tariff or contract proposals, as well as alternatives for disadvantaged communities. Among other things, proposals must address:

  • The metrics to be used to measure “sustainable growth,” as well as metrics related to the cost and benefit requirements outlined in the enabling legislation;
  • How facilities larger than 1 MW (i.e., the current limit) should be treated;
  • How virtual net metering and net metering aggregation should or should not be modified;
  • Possible changes to existing exemptions enjoyed by net metering facilities (e.g., interconnection fees, standby charges);
  • Whether any elements of the proposal pertain to safety and consumer protection issues; and
  • The existence and nature of any legal issues (e.g., tax implications, PURPA).

Proposals are due by July 2, 2015.