DC: Major RPS expansion becomes law

The District of Columbia has significantly expanded its RPS policy, upon the official enactment of legislation following a 30-day Congressional review period. The new law raises the District’s RPS from 20% by 2023 to 50% by 2032, with annual increases of beginning in 2024. B21-0650 also increases the solar carve-out from 2.5% by 2023 to 5% by 2032.

In addition to raising the District’s RPS-procurement requirements, B21-0650 adds heat from raw or treated wastewater “used as a heat source or sink” to the list of eligible Tier I resources, and increases the general system size cap — from 5 MW to 15 MW — for generators that are eligible to generate SRECs.

B21-0650 also replaces the current declining solar ACP rate schedule with a flat rate of $500/MWh through 2023 (currently $50/MWh in 2023), with a declining rate schedule afterward.