OH: DP&L seeks to raise residential fixed charge by 223%

Dayton Power & Light Company has filed its first general rate case in Ohio since 1991. It is seeking a rate of return of 7.86% and a $65.8 million increase in its distribution revenue requirement. Although a typical residential customer would would see a monthly bill increase of only $4.07 under the proposal, the monthly customer charge would balloon from $4.25 to $13.73, while the energy charge would drop, therefore eroding the benefits of customer-sited solar PV, energy-efficiency improvements and energy conservation. Similarly, the monthly charge for commercial customers (Rate D19) would rise from $8.66 to $16.34 for single-phase service, and from $16.00 to $26.76 for three-phase customers.

DP&L is owned by AES Corporation.