SC: SCE&G proposes revisions to DER, community solar programs

SCE&G has provided a status update on the performance and costs associated with its Distributed Energy Resource (DER) programs, and outlined proposed changes to both the customer-scale and community solar programs. For customer-scale programs, due to the popularity and high customer response of its current programs, SCE&G has asked the Public Service Commission to approve an indefinite suspension of the utility’s customer-scale Bill Credit Agreement program for non-residential customers. This buy-all, sell-all program compensates customer generators at tiered, incentivized rates.

SCE&G is also seeking to revise its community solar program by introducing a subscription option, in addition to the existing purchase option. The proposed tariff is similar to the approved Low-Income Community Solar Program tariff, under which a participant may purchase panels in a community solar facility and receive a $0.10/kWh bill credit for the customer’s pro-rata share of the facility’s production for 20 years. Under the proposed tariff, subscribers are assessed a monthly fee of $0.20/kW on their monthly bill and receive a bill credit equivalent to $0.01/kWh for their pro-rata share of the facility’s production for the initial term of the subscription. In years 6, 11, 16 and 20, subscribers will have the option to purchase their panels. Upon purchase, those customers would receive a bill credit of $0.10/kWh until the end of the initial term. During the subsequent term, customers will receive a bill credit equal to SCE&G’s avoided-cost rate.