CO: Xcel proposes Solar*Connect program, again

Xcel Energy has filed a revised application for Solar*Connect, a voluntary, subscription-based solar program previously been rejected by Colorado regulators. The program would allow customers to subscribe in kW blocks for up to 100% of their energy consumption month-to-month, or for five-year or 10-year terms. Under Solar*Connect, Xcel would acquire up to 50 MW of utility-scale solar under an RFP. The premium paid by customers for a solar subscription would depend on the energy price via the RFP and would be set to cover the costs of the power purchase agreement; customers would receive a credit equal to avoided on-peak fuel costs attributable to their subscription. (Participants would still pay base rates and non-fuel riders.)

For a typical residential customer with a 3-kW subscription (i.e., around 60% of typical monthly consumption), the Solar*Connect charge and credit would be $0.07/kWh and $0.044/kWh, respectively, for a net monthly bill increase of around $16.00.