In addition to grid, D.C. to modernize energy vocabulary

On May 4, the D.C. PSC issued a notice of second proposed rulemaking related to statutory definitions of key clean-energy terms, with comments due June 3.

In brief, the proposed revisions include the following changes made in response to comments received on the first NOPR:

  • Deleting the terms “battery” and “smart inverter.”
  • Revising the term “electric storage” to “energy storage” and the associated definition.
  • Revising the definitions of “cogeneration facility” or “combined heat and power (CHP) facility,” “demand response,” and “distributed energy resource.”

The NOPR identifies “energy storage” as a resource capable of absorbing energy from the grid, from a behind-the-meter generator, or other DER, storing it for a period of time and thereafter dispatching the energy for use on-site or back to the grid, regardless of where the resource is located on the electric distribution system. These resources include all types of electric storage technologies, regardless of their size, storage medium (e.g., batteries, flywheels, electric vehicles, compressed air), or operational purpose.