Microgrid tariff, streamlined interconnection one signature away in Hawaii

In early May, both chambers of Hawaii’s legislature passed a bill to establish a standard microgrid services tariff for IOUs. The bill requires the PUC to open a proceeding by July 1, 2018 in order to adopt a microgrid services tariff that is designed to provide fair compensation for electricity, electric grid services, and other benefits provided to, or by, the utility or owner of the microgrid and other ratepayers. The tariff must standardize and streamline interconnection processes for microgrid projects, to the extent possible. In establishing a microgrid services tariff, the bill requires the PUC to consider the actions taken to establish and deploy microgrids in Puerto Rico (and other jurisdictions) following the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season and the preemptive steps Hawaii can take to address a potential similar local disaster in the future.