NY: New, unnerving net metering data filed

New York’s six investor-owned utilities have filed their Q2 net metering status reports. Significantly, both National Grid and ORU reported dramatic increases in the capacity of pending projects — 622 MW for National Grid and 79.7 MW for ORU. In both cases, the proposed project queue would place the utility well above its existing cap, although in terms of installed projects, both remain well below the cap.

The list below reflects the aggregate capacity of net metering and new applications, including proposed projects that have not been completed. (Utility net metering caps were doubled to 6% of 2005 peak demand in December 2014.)

  • ORU (July 2015):  105.8 MW (169.5% of overall cap)
  • ConEd (June 2015):  151.7 MW (22.8% of overall cap)
  • Central Hudson (June 2015):  47 MW (63.4% of overall cap)
  • National Grid (June 2015):  731.6 MW (187% of overall cap)
  • RGE (June 2015):  22.8 MW (23% of overall cap)
  • NYSEG (June 2015):  133.4 MW (79% of overall cap)